Healthcare worker

Diagnosed with ABC in 2020.

I did 8 chemo infusions- every other Friday for 16 weeks. Then, I had a lumpectomy done, followed by 28 straight working days of radiation.

I worked the entire time- using sick leave only when needed. My cancer metastasized to my lungs in 2021, and I’ve been on chemo drugs ever since. I deal with neuropathy, and fatigue, however, despite the option to work remote, I choose the routine & social aspect of working in-person. I have to make it a priority, though, which motivates me to watch my diet, get some exercise, and most importantly, my rest.

I consider work somewhat of a privilege. Yes, it provides my health-care coverage, as well as life’s necessities, but, it also provides a sense of purpose and I am grateful that my condition allows me to continue- because I have a new appreciation for the need to work and a better attitude because of it. Thanks Cancer.

“My condition allows me to continue- because I have a new appreciation for the need to work and a better attitude because of it. Thanks Cancer…”